Sunday, November 30, 2008

What did we expect?

Trust. Ever increasingly becoming the topic of discussion, and especially in these uncertain and disturbing economic times.

But, I have to ask one question, and we should just think about this for a minute. What were we expecting?

As trust is about relying on people, companies, products and services to deliver an outcome to us, what outcome did we trust in others, in the markets to deliver? What was promised to us that drew us to that place of comfort and trust that made us maybe a little too complacent?

If we are expecting constant and consistent growth with no downside, then we are all in la-la land. There are cycles. Remember, what goes up must come down. Everything ultimately balances out - always. It's the two sides of a coin, the yin-yang. Life is about balance.

Should we expect 'bad' things to happen? No. But I do believe we should expect that sometimes things go well and sometimes not so well.

We should know that ultimately we will be okay - maybe not the way we expect, but our needs will be met, and anyone who promises that things will always be a bed of roses frankly does not deserve to be trusted.