Whenever we do work with any organisation, we want to know what 3Rs goals do they want to achieve. What Results do they want? What Retention levels do they want to improve? What Relationships do they want to improve?
9 times out of 10, one of the key relationships that the organisation wants to improve is between Marketing and Sales. Why do these 2 teams hate each other so much? They both want the same outcomes for the organisation, don't they?
Both are highly Esteem driven - they want respect, recognition and don't take criticism too well. This also means they are not too good on accountability. It's easier to point the finger at someone else than to take responsibility for something not quite working out the way they planned. Because both teams are like that, they clash, big time! Neither one wants to back down, to admit that maybe they need to review their practices - that would be admitting fault!
Now this is a generalisation, of course, and we have certainly worked with teams that have been brave enough to work together, to sort out their differences and to work for the common good of the organisation.
The key thing is this: there needs to be a common purpose, a reason why these two teams should work better together. Unless that is established, clear, and agreed, you are pushing you-know-what uphill!
Once that common purpose is set, then the need to be absolutely clear on what they each Expect of each other, what they Need, and what they are prepared to Promise each other, and take accountability for that. They need to be able to TRUST each other!
Is that possible? Yes it is. And when an organisation can take the plunge and make that work, it delivers straight to the bottom line.
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