This still sits on my son, Lachlan's bedside table, framed and in pride of place where he can see it when he wakes up every morning (he put it there, not me!). I wrote this for him, framed it and gave it to him for his birthday about 7 years ago, and it is as true today as it was then.
A Mother's Promise to her Son
To my dearest Lachlan,
I promise I will:
Always be honest with you
Protect you from harm when I can
Give you freedom to learn and grow
Listen to your dreams with interest
Listen to your fears with concern
Hold you when you are sad
Laugh with you when you are happy
Share with you my experiences and lessons
Expose you to many wonders of this world
Teach you humility and compassion
Encourage you to be confident and love yourelf
Help you understand what you don't
Rejoice with you when you do
Watch you grow into a wonderful man
Always love you!
beautifully written! thank you for sharing..can't wait to have my own little boy!